Tuesday, 16 March 2010

New kitchen

Danny completely gutted our old kitchen and installed a new one.  From start to finish took 6 weeks of working almost every day, all day.  As this kitchen is north-facing and gets little light, we chose white cupboards and bright tiles.  This house is 83 years old so walls and floor are not even and this created extra work.  I painted the walls, woodwork and doors, and oiled the beech countertops.  Otherwise, Danny did it all.  Well done, doll!!

We have an integrated dishwasher and undercounter fridge (British-style), but a (relatively) full-size fridge/freezer in the laundry room.

Pics before, during, and after:
Kitchen pics

Friday, 12 March 2010

Passionate frogs and a new kitchen

No, the two are not related!

Our kitchen which was gutted is now nearly finished.  Final pics will be posted here but in the meantime pics of the progress are here:
Old kitchen and new one in progress

Springtime has finally arrived as proclaimed loudly by the frogs in our pond.